Merri Marcus 28th November 2007

There have been many times that I have wanted to call Pop-Pop and hear him say he felt "terrible".... just one more time. What I am left with are beautiful memories of a fine man, father , grandfather and great grandfather. I knew that every moment I had with him were special, ever since he survived cancer... We need to remember that living til 85 is a nice long life.... and he had a great family and left a legacy that most people only dream of living and leaving. The only thing that comforts me in my feelings of loss is remembering all of the wonderful times I had with him, times he shared with Josh and Chris, and most of all - all of the important advice and life lessons he taught me. Ever since I was a little girl, he was my hero. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad to pieces... but my Pop-Pop was almost a magical figure to me. He was just so awesome. I respect him, love him, value him, and miss him. And I always "lock my doors"!